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Calls to police and DVPNs increase in Manchester

The number of domestic abuse reports to police, arrests and Domestic Violence Protection Orders (DVPNs) issued in Greater Manchester have gone up.

“In the last 12 months, there has been a 12% increase in domestic abuse calls that required a grade 1 response, meaning that GMP officers have attended around 23,000 domestic abuse incidents where immediate threat was identified,” detective chief superintendent Michaela Kerr, head of public protection at Greater Manchester Police (GMP), was quoted as saying by the Oldham Times newspaper.

“Over the past 12 months, we have arrested more than 15,000 domestic abuse perpetrators. This is an increase of 80% on the same period between October 2020 and 2021 and continues to increase month-on-month, with the force having arrested over 1,500 offenders in September alone this year.

“DVPNs are also up from 51 to 124 per month, a 140% increase compared to two years ago,” she added.



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