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DA pilot extended to Glasgow court

Following successful testing at the Dundee, Hamilton and Paisley Sheriff Courts, Scotland’s busiest, Glasgow, is now covered by a new way of handling the nation’s domestic abuse cases.

Under the Summary Case Management scheme, evidence is shared and, where possible, agreed before setting an initial trial date in order to reduce the number of unnecessary early-stage hearings. At least 250 summary trials did not require to be assigned in the three pilot courts thanks to the scheme, according to Police Scotland.

Justice Secretary Angela Constance said resolving cases without the need for going to trial frees up court and police officers’ time.

Assistant Chief Constable Wendy Middleton added:“Summary Case Management reduces the number of witnesses required to attend court to give evidence, minimising the impact on both victims and witnesses. … Addressing cases, especially domestic abuse cases, in this way creates a supportive environment for victims and witnesses. It reduces the requirement for them to attend court to give live evidence in the same room as their abuser.”



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