London-based Against Violence & Abuse (AVA) is reported to be winding down because it is technically insolvent.
“The decision to close has been a difficult one, and comes following a period of operational and financial difficulty which the charity has tried to work through,” the board of trustees said in a letter quoted by charity sector journal Civil Society.
AVA’s operations will shut down with immediate effect and the organisation will hold a formal meeting of members and creditors in the coming weeks.
The trustees wrote: “As AVA closes, we look back and reflect on our mission and the women the organisation was set up to support, directly and indirectly. Today, we look around and see a strong, passionate women’s sector, voicing the needs of those they support, and recognised for their expertise.”
Charity Commission data puts AVA’s total income at £1.20m and total expenditure at £1.28m for the financial year ending 31 March 2023. Income included £582,377 from the public purse.
The charity describes itself as committed to ending gender-based violence and abuse by improving services for survivors through training and published material, as well as consultancy, policy, research and preventative work.