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Women’s caucus planned for UK parliament

Palace of Westminster

A group of MPs are planning to form a caucus in the House of Commons. A parliamentary caucus is a group of cross party and independent politicians with a shared interest, in this case, to “advance issues that disproportionately affect women.” Forty percent of MPs in the House of Commons are now women, the largest […]

Don’t be “That Guy” says Scottish Police

Flag of Scotland waving against blue sky

Police Scotland are launching THAT GUY, a campaign to engage men in the subject of violence against women, aimed at making women safer. The campaign will run across social media and through a podcast series and challenges men to look at their behaviour and attitudes towards women inside and outside the home. The campaign website […]

UK governments launch range of DA initiatives

Big Ben and House of Parliament, London, UK, in the dusk evening

Westminster, Holyrood and Stormont have announced a series of measures to tackle domestic abuse and violence. The English and Welsh government is introducing Raneem’s Law in memory of Raneem Oudeh and her mother Khaola Saleem who were murdered by Raneem’s ex-husband in Solihull in 2018. On the night she was killed, Raneem rang 999 four […]

Hidden extent of DA in Britain’s ethnic communities

The fear of family disownment and community isolation means many Pakistani women do not report domestic abuse, according to campaigners. Separately, a book has been published highlighting how 21 Sikh women survived domestic abuse. “[Domestic abuse] is a hidden pandemic. That’s why we have to support these woman in any way we can,” the BBC […]

DA perpetrators weaponise joint mortgages, report shows

Property ladder

One in eight women in the UK, equal to more than 750,000 people, have experienced economic abuse from a current or former partner in the past two years through their joint mortgage, according to the Locked into a mortgage, locked out of my home report commissioned by Surviving Economic Abuse. Perpetrators refuse to pay their […]

DA victims’ views on sentences differ from sentencing body’s

Flag of Scotland waving against blue sky

The Scottish Sentencing Council has found victims-survivors of domestic abuse take a different view on sentencing than itself, after commissioning Glasgow Caledonian University researchers to look into the subject. “What victim-survivors considered to be the main purposes of sentencing did not necessarily align with those set out by the High Court and developed by the […]

Prisoner early-release scheme sparks warning from DA sector

Big Ben Clock Tower and House of Parliament in the night, London, UK

Plans by the Westminster government to allow inmates to leave jail early to ease overcrowding in prisons is causing concern among leaders in the domestic abuse field. Starting September, the government intends to let some prisoners in England and Wales be released after serving 40% of their sentence, rather than the current 50%. Inmates serving […]

Scottish prosecutors need to show more thought to DA victims, says inspectorate

Flag of Scotland waving against blue sky

Though tackling violence against women and girls is a strategic priority for Scotland’s Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service, the organisation fails to always keep domestic abuse survivors informed of developments in their case, the Inspectorate of Prosecution in Scotland found after an in-depth review of the service. “The justice system can seem complex and […]

DA pilot extended to Glasgow court

Flag of Scotland waving against blue sky

Following successful testing at the Dundee, Hamilton and Paisley Sheriff Courts, Scotland’s busiest, Glasgow, is now covered by a new way of handling the nation’s domestic abuse cases. Under the Summary Case Management scheme, evidence is shared and, where possible, agreed before setting an initial trial date in order to reduce the number of unnecessary […]

Multi-million boost to domestic abuse projects in capital

Big Ben Clock Tower and House of Parliament in the night, London, UK

London mayor Sadiq Khan has announced £15m of fresh funding for the Mayor’s Domestic Abuse Safe Accommodation programme. The money will help add 14 projects to the 70-plus already supported. “Sadly, cases of domestic abuse continue to rise and we know the cost-of-living crisis is leaving many survivors with the dilemma of staying with perpetrators […]