A test programme to tag perpetrators of domestic abuse with GPS tracking devices on release from prison has been launched in London by mayor Sadiq Khan.
“This pilot gives us the opportunity to use technology to improve the management of the risk posed to past, current and future partners and children,” Katie Nash, the city’s head of public protection for the National Probation Service.
“The GPS tags will be an integral part of risk management plans as they enable us to monitor compliance with licence conditions to improve victim safety.”
The device will be fitted to those who have served a prison sentence for offences such as stalking, harassment, physical abuse, sexual abuse and coercive control.
Claiming it is the UK’s first scheme of its kind, Khan said: “Sadly we have seen a rise in domestic abuse during lockdown and, as well as working to protect victims, it’s vitally important we also focus on addressing the behaviour of offenders to drive down this abhorrent crime …
“In London we’ve already pioneered the use of GPS tagging for knife crime offenders, and demonstrated that it can help to prevent re-offending, drive down violence, and protect victims.”
The tags monitor an offender’s location, enabling probation services and the police to ensure they are following conditions of their release and take action if they breach them or commit a criminal offence.
The pilot programme is scheduled to run until 31 March next year.