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SmartWater protects DA victims in South Yorkshire

The adaption of property-marking SmartWater, traditionally used to deter theft and burglary, has protected more than 80 vulnerable people across South Yorkshire in the last eight months.

The area’s Police and Crime Commissioner Dr Alan Billings said: “Where … abusers are continuing to deny that they are contacting the victim, property can be forensically sprayed and this will leave a mark on the offender which can be seen under ultra violet light. This may be crucial evidence in enabling perpetrators to be brought to justice.”

The initiative is funded by the South Yorkshire Violence Reduction Unit which says there has been a 69% reduction in reported incidents and 94% reduction in harm since the introduction of SmartWater. A survey of survivors issued with the forensic marking liquid showed 86% feel safer and 78% say the initiative has had a positive impact on them.



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